Monday, January 31, 2011

The sum of my fears

I got to thinking that in order to overcome some, if not all, of my fears a good start would be to write them down.
While it is an obvious thing, it was only when reading Adam's blog (where he wrote his down) that it occurred to me to do it.
I'm going to be as specific as I can but in no way graphic.

1. Like a lot of people - death.
I guess it isn't so much dying, as that's out of our control, but it is the not existing, the missing out on all the wonderful things that life allows. There's also the lack of closure and I also wonder how I will be remembered. As a kid I was afraid of death, I used to get nightmares and get quite worked up about it even though at the time I had never experienced anything more than a pet passing away (and we had hundreds of cats who didn't realise that living on a busy street could cost them more than nine lives).
2. Illness
Since being diagnosed with a chronic illness some six years ago I have developed a fear of illness - both the chronic illness in question and also of feeling unwell. I got it into my head that if I felt a little sick that it meant something massive, like a recurrence, was going to happen. I became intensely afraid of losing weight to the point where now I actually need to lose some because I never considered what putting it on would do. I'm now essentially living in fear of illness, even though for the last four years I haven't had any major (or even minor) anomaly in any of my tests aside from one thing that is being treated.
3. Love
I try my best to let the people I love know it, and that's in a 'I care about you' way not an 'I'm in love with you' way. And while I'd like a few more people in my life to be the same way the bigger issue is when it comes to letting down your guard and opening up to the possibility that someone can love me. That sounds silly I know. I'm not sure how it got to this point but I'm almost oblivious to it and if someone has come along in the past few years I haven't noticed. It's so far off the radar I wonder if it has been put there on purpose by my subconscious. We all want to feel loved and I am no different but sometimes I wonder if I can feel it at all. And that's something to fear.
4. Magpies
This is an irrational fear, or phobia, but it is one that has stuck with me for a while despite the fact I haven't been a victim for more than a decade at least. This fear tends to keep me indoors a bit in spring. I really need to beat this fear.

Funnily enough, aside from the need for self preservation, most of the things I fear are internal issues. I'm not saying I'm comfortable strolling the streets of Redfern at midnight but few things out in the world scare me. It's all internal, unknown, things that cause the most anxiety. I'm my own worst enemy and this really needs to change.
Now I just have to have the courage to change the things that I can change.

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