Friday, January 07, 2011

I'd like to.....

I've been thinking about some of the things I'd like to do this year.
In one way or another they represent a challenge but I think potentially all are very positive goals.

1. Organise and save up for a trip to Perth towards the end of the year.
2. Lose at least 5kg but no more than 8kg.
3. Get into the habit of going to the gym at least once a week and exercising at least five times a week.
4. Go to an NRL, or AFL, game. (I prefer watching them on TV but I haven't actually been to a game for years).
5. Go to a play or musical at the theatre.
6. See a live band (hopefully someone appealing will tour in 2011).
7. Try opening up to having a relationship.
8. Win the battle with the way my mind can work against me.
9. Be nicer to myself overall.

I think the majority are very much achievable. It's now up to me to put in the hard work.

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