Monday, September 06, 2010


It occurred to me today that I've been working really hard to ensure others don't define me in a particular way and, in the process, have ended up defining myself in that way.
It's not helping.
It relates to something that has been an issue for the past five years and one that I have spent a while in denial about. I'm sure most people will know what I am talking about.
Those who don't we're not talking about orientations of any kind, in case you were thinking that.
So I discovered that by defining myself by this particular issue is a good part of what is holding me back, I'm sure of that.
How do I get around it?
Of course I have to stop looking at myself as a fragile, like glass if you will, and toughen up. Mentally as much as physically.
It's all easier said than done but a big part of making progress is defining what the problem is.

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