Sunday, July 05, 2009

`Head in the sand'

Yesterday I met a guy called Scott.
From what I can tell he'd be in his early 20s and he seems just like anyone else.
I met Scott at a seminar about IBD.
What struck me about him is, just as I said, he appears your average inner-wester, he seems happy.
He also has IBD, not the same as me but not entirely different.
He was there because, in his words, he has his `head in the sand' about it and thought it was a good idea to hear a few experts speak on the topic.
I was there for somewhat similar reasons although I can't get away with saying I've been ignorant because that is far from the truth. If anything I'm a little too informed.
We had a bit of a chat and during it I think something clicked for me.
Here's a young guy who, despite admitting to his ignorance about his condition, has been living life as best he can.
It occurred to me that I hadn't been and today I felt pretty good about myself. All the negative emotions are really not helpful and when they are around things seem to spiral out of control.
I'm not saying I am going to stick my head into the sand and ignore everything but at the same time there is merit in doing it occasionally, in a way.
Before I left I gave Scott a business card (I can't believe I actually had one on me because there have been many times when one would have come in handy and I was out of them) in case he wanted to get in contact. I don't expect him to though (and said that).
The good thing is I learned something by meeting Scott, and I wouldn't have if I didn't go along.

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