Monday, July 24, 2023

Dear Friend

When the line between friends and more than friends comes up it's hard to know which way to turn. Obviously the right turn was made but there'll always be a wondering.

There are many hurdles even when it comes to friendships and distance is one of those. How can they grow when you're never in the same room? I don't know what the future holds even on that front given we are worlds apart - and not just when it comes to home address.

But there's no denying it, you blew me away. And it opened something that I didn't think could be opened. It's never been felt before, not in that way anyway.

I hope I'll be better for it, in the long run. Yeah it hurts a bit, but it's because I allowed myself to be open to the possibility. Ultimately nothing may have happened. But something already did happen.

So it's all a bit hard to process. I can't help but feel like I missed out, and that proximity or lack of it worked against it. Knowing that makes it harder to move past, at least as quickly as I'd like it to. 

Friends are tough to make these days, so much of that simple connection has been lost, especially from scratch but we made it that far and that's pretty special. 

It will be good enough in time.

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