Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

It's the genre clash that I guess was always going to happen.
Cowboys & Aliens brings together two widely used film genres and asks: what would happen if they met?
Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig) wakes up in the middle of nowhere with a thick metal bracelet attached to his wrist and no memory of who he is. After beating the crap out of three guys who try to rob him he rides (on one of their horses) into town.
After causing the town spoilt brat to be arrested he also winds up in jail and the kid's father Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) arrives to get him out.
At the same time aliens attack. As they do.
This isn't rocket science, and it is hard to take it too seriously given the ridiculous mismatch between the cowboys and the aliens, who quite amusingly lasso their prey.

Basically, it's up to Lonergan and Dolarhyde to team up and take on the aliens, and rescue those taken in their attacks.
If you get past the fact that this is a silly premise you find it has been pretty well done, a bit tongue in cheek and obviously done for amusement - even though the script is fairly straight.
I enjoyed it but my expectations weren't overly high. The casting of Sam Rockwell also helped, he's always good value.
A 7 out of 10 and not bad considering everything.

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