Friday, January 29, 2010

Chuck season 3 is .... awesome!

It seems like an eternity since I saw a new episode of Chuck, easily the coolest show on television.
(Well if you count the fact it is a TV show, because it's another great series that Channel 9 passed on). It is still, I have to say it, awesome!
At the end of season 2 Chuck had a new intersect downloaded and we were given a glimpse of what he's in for - and it was hilarious.
Now Chuck has been sacked by the FBI because he can't control his emotions, therefore the intersect in his head doesn't work as expected. It still works, and when it does Chuck turns into a super spy but when it doesn't he's your average schmuck.
All the great elements of the show are still there and they have cleverly changed the dynamics between Chuck and Sarah.
So I say welcome back Chuck. I'm looking forward to more of Captain Awesome in coming episodes as he was more in the background in the opener.

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